DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2016-59-12-1034-1042
UDC 681.7.08
Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Department of Laser and Optical-Electronic Systems; Head of the Department
D. G. Denisov
Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Department of Laser and Optical-Electronic Systems; Associate Professor
V. E. Karassik
Bauman Moscow State Technical University; professor
A. V. Kudryashov
Moscow Polytechnic University; Professor
A. N. Nikitin
Adaptive Optics Institute Ltd; Scientist
A. A. Sakharov
Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Department of Laser and Optical-Electronic Systems; Senior Lecturer
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Abstract. The actual problem of modern metrological maintenance in optical technologies related to highprecision control of the radius of curvature and shape parameters of optical mirrors is discussed. A comparative analysis of technical characteristics of modern interference systems and optical-electronic devices based on wavefront sensors such as Shack — Hartmann (SHWFS) is presented. An original circuit solution for development of a modernized functional diagram of the interference control equipment based on wavefront sensor (OEDWFS) for measuring optical surface curvature radius is described. A new highprecision method for control of curvature radius of surface mirrors with a permissible error of the measurement less than 0,01 % of the nominal value is proposed and scientifically justified. An analysis is given of the output parameter of the functional circuit of the DWF-based instrument — the limiting radius of the recorded wavefront.
Keywords: curvature radius and shape parameters measurement, wavefront sensor, highprecision control, systematic measurement error
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