DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2017-60-1-32-38
UDC 621.372.82:621.383.8-752.4:536.7
Perm State Technical University, Department of Heat Engineering;
K. S. Galyagin
Perm State Technical University, Department of Heat Engineering; Head of the Chair
A. M. Oshivalov
Perm State Technical University, Department of Heat Engineering;
M. A. Savin
Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Department of Welding production technology and construction materials; Post-Graduate Student
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Abstract. An improved procedure for numerical compensation of thermal drift for fiber-optic gyroscope in real-time operation of the device is developed. The main idea of the proposed approach lies in the assumption of dependence of the thermal drift of the gyroscope on temperature, its first and second derivatives with respect to time. The correction procedure is performed individually for each fiber-optic sensor based on the data of field tests. The procedure of search of the necessary calibration coefficients is described, modernization of the iterative prediction algorithm and compensation of thermal drift of fiber-optic gyroscope is carried out. It is shown that application of the correction procedure makes it possible to achieve an essential reduction in thermal drift of fiber-optic gyroscope. The results of the comparative analysis of the new and the old algorithms to compensate for drift are presented.
Keywords: fiber-optic gyroscope, thermal drift, sensitivity element, prediction, correction, calculation, thermometry
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