ISSN 0021-3454 (print version)
ISSN 2500-0381 (online version)

vol 67 / May, 2024

DOI 10.17586/0021-3454- 2017-60-10-986-992

UDC 629.7.086: 004.932


P. V. Kustarev
ITMO University; Associate Professor

A. N. Baevskikh
ITMO University, Department of Computation Technologies; Post-Graduate Student

A. I. Gladush
JSC Scientific Center of Applied Electrodynamics; Software Engineer

A. O. Slavyanskiy
JSC Scientific Center of Applied Electrodynamics; Leading Design Engineer

O. E. Slavyanskiy
JSC Scientific Center of Applied Electrodynamics; Head of Department

A. S. Shchesniak
ITMO University, Department of Wireless Telecommunications; Post-Graduate Student

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Abstract. An approach to evaluation of parameters of flying vehicle orientation using analysis of registering camera video-stream is discussed. The proposed methodology allows to obtain the data independently of course, pitch, and roll sensors of the flying vehicle and, thus, enables an emergency positioning feature in case of a fault. Video stream analysis employed in the method for frame-by-frame tracking of key peculiarities of the images (e.g., contrast details) is based on modifications of the standard Shi—Tomasi—Kanade algorithm. In particular, the developed modification of the algorithm allows affine distortions of features, as well as local changes in their brightness. An algorithm is proposed for estimating the flying vehicle spatial orientation using the found set of features via the equivalent shift of the recording camera. The obtained values can be used for analysis both in real time and in post-processing mode.
Keywords: point image feature, algorithm of peculiarity tracking, flying vehicle, evaluation of spatial orientation; course, pitch and roll angles, computation platform

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