ISSN 0021-3454 (print version)
ISSN 2500-0381 (online version)

vol 67 / May, 2024

DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2018-61-7-612-617

UDC 629.7


V. V. Goncharov
А. A. Maksimov Space Systems Research Institute − Branch of Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center JSC; Head of Complex – Deputy Head of Center for Scientific Work

V. I. Baklanov
А. A. Maksimov Space Systems Research Institute − Branch of Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center JSC; Senior Scientist, Head of Department

A. S. Burtsev
А. A. Maksimov Space Systems Research Institute − Branch of Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center JSC, Department 994; Chief Researcher

P. A. Filonenko
А. A. Maksimov Space Systems Research Institute − Branch of Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center JSC, Department 994; Deputy Head of Department

T. G. Erofeeva
А. A. Maksimov Space Systems Research Institute − Branch of Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center JSC; Leading Researcher

M. N. Turchin
А. A. Maksimov Space Systems Research Institute − Branch of Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center JSC; Leading Researcher

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Abstract. The task of providing the required level of reliability of space equipment and its elements and modules is especially urgent in modern conditions. To solve this problem, a technology has been developed for assessing the reliability of elements and modules of advanced special and scientific equipment for space applications that have been operating for a long time in the space environment. The technology is a set of provisions, rules, techniques, mathematical models, algorithms and methods for assessing the reliability of elements and modules of new samples of advanced special and scientific equipment for space applications implemented using software and hardware means. The developed technology and hardware and software complexes are expected to be used at the enterprises of the rocket and space industry, as well as in the head organization on the Roscosmos information system for automated evaluation and analysis of the reliability of prospective spacecraft samples at the design, development and operation stages.
Keywords: reliability, space vehicles, technology, automated systems

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