ISSN 0021-3454 (print version)
ISSN 2500-0381 (online version)

vol 68 / February, 2025

Experimental Evaluation of Contact Stresses in Sliding Bearings with Thin-Layer Polyamide Coatings

E. V. Zaborsky
St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Higher School of Engineering;

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Abstract. Contact stresses in thin-layer metal-polymer sliding bearings are investigated experimentally. A method for evaluating stresses using capacitive sensors based on Dacron film with a double-sided metallized coating is proposed. Radial contact stresses and their distribution in thin-layer polyamide plain bearings with different mounting gaps and coating thicknesses are estimated. The experimental results shows that the maximum contact stresses depend to a large extent on the structural dimensions of the sliding bearings: the gap size and the coating thickness.
Keywords: contact voltage capacitive sensor, a metal substrate, a Dacron film, a thin layer of polyamide coating



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