ISSN 0021-3454 (print version)
ISSN 2500-0381 (online version)

vol 67 / May, 2024

DOI 10.17586/0021-3454- 2021-64-5-343-350

UDC 621.396.43


V. Y. Arkhipkin
Accord Ltd ; General Director

V. . Bolshakov
Russian State Hydrometeorological University, Department of Marine Information Systems;

T. V. Vekshina
Russian State Hydrometeorological University, Department of Hydro-Technical Research;

M. I. Dyabin
Cascade Ltd; Leading Engineer

V. V. Yerokhin
JSC Progress Microelectronic Research Institute;

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Abstract. A new domestic specialized communication computer (systems on a chip) SoC 5580TR016, designed for automatic hydrometeorological stations, is considered. The system perspectives in providing the station basic function - effective collection of measurement information and reliable, secure transmission of it to the consumer - is analyzed. The calculator contains, in addition to the necessary means of the microcontroller, a communication module, the technical characteristics of which meet the requirements for speed, reliability and security of information transmission over a radio communication channel. The communication module of the calculator provides data transmission at high speed in a complex electromagnetic environment in conditions of multipath propagation of signals under the influence of natural and deliberate interference, as well as the adaptability of the communication channel in terms of the information transfer rate, spectral efficiency and output power to the interference environment and operating range. Such combination of measurement control functions and wireless transmission of information to the consumer in one device allows to reduce the time spent on development of automatic hydrometeorological stations, to increase the station reliability and efficiency. The capabilities of the calculator and its high operational characteristics correspond to the basic provisions of the program of import substitution of the elemental component base of electronics with new domestic technical means, including in hydrometeorological information-measuring systems.
Keywords: automatic hydrometeorological station, system on a chip, communication module, noise immunity, information security, adaptability, import substitution

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