ISSN 0021-3454 (print version)
ISSN 2500-0381 (online version)

vol 68 / January, 2025

DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2023-66-1-34-42

UDC 65.01, 62-91, 004.9


O. A. Abyshev
ITMO University, Faculty of Secure Information Technologies ;

U. M. Dyikanbaeva
I. Razzakov Kyrgyz State Technical University, Department of Industrial Engineering; Senior Lecturer

U. K. Omuraliev
I. Razzakov Kyrgyz State Technical University, Department of Industrial Engineering; Head of the Department

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Abstract. A method for constructing industrial agents using technological adapters for integrating physical objects into a production cyber-physical system is proposed. The possibilities of using and implementing the connection of an object are considered using the example of a muffle electric furnace. An analysis of the current state of the object under study is carried out and a variant of the technological adapter composition is described. The process of building an industrial agent - a modular cell "Melting Cell" is shown. The agent provides the ability to perform the heat treatment, melting and sintering operations on demand as a service application of the experimental Smart Factory.
Keywords: technological adaptor, design process automation, discrete production, cyber-physical systems, ICPS

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