ISSN 0021-3454 (print version)
ISSN 2500-0381 (online version)

vol 67 / May, 2024

DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2021-64-10-859-868

UDC 681.5


J. F. Mammadov
Sumgait State University, Department of Process Automation; Head of the Department

G. S. Abdullayev
Sumgait State University, Department of Metrology and Standardization; Head of the Department

T. A. Safarova
Sumgait State University, Department of Information Technologies and Programming ; Senior Lecturer

I. L. Korshunov
St. Petersburg State University of Economics, Department of Applied Information Technologies;; Head of the Department

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Abstract. Technological operations of production modules and standard active elements of a flexible automated section for annealing and mechanical processing of metal blanks have been investigated. A mathematical analysis based on the use of N-oriented hypergraphs has been carried out. The incidence matrix is determined with the account for functional connections between the active elements in the flexible automated section layout scheme. In accordance with the layout of technical units in a 2-dimensional coordinate system, the main properties of the layout scheme of the flexible automated section for annealing and mechanical processing of metal blanks in a 3-dimensional coordinate system are determined, and a hypergraph scheme is constructed. Based on the layout diagram of unloading the conveyor of the annealing furnace for aluminum billets and loading them onto the conveyor of the production module of grinding machines, the types of sensors for the service industrial robot were selected. An algorithm for the selection of information and measuring elements of the automated control system for the annealing and machining of metal blanks is proposed.
Keywords: automated control system, information and measurement elements, flexible automated site, industrial robot, sensor

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